News & Update

Property Transactions - Video Link to Witness Authority Document

Blair Franklin
Published on

Aug. 2019

When buying or selling property, or otherwise dealing with the title, the usual course is your lawyer needs to witness you sign an Authority and Instruction document in person, which requires a 'face to face' meeting.

Now, Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) allows the Authority and Instruction document to be witnessed by the lawyer using a video link in certain situations as follows: -

  • The lawyer has known the existing client for more than 12 months.
  • The lawyer holds a copy of the clients' photo ID (that is current or expired within the previous 12 months) on file.
  • The lawyer is able to simultaneously see and hear the client and clearly see what documents are being signed.

While we generally like to meet face to face with our clients, this may be beneficial to any clients who currently live on the outskirts of Auckland or even in another city providing we can satisfy the above-mentioned criteria. You would also need to be comfortable using video link technology such as Skype or Messenger.

Written by Blair Franklin, Partner.
